
Our continent is blessed with a relatively large population, highly determined people and abundant natural resources. Out of our population, a signifiant proportion is made up of young people who have completed some level of formal education. They are desirous and determined to be productive. This desire is also in the interest of the larger society, as a productive populace will create wealth, higher living standards and enhance regional security. In addition to this group, we also have the middle-aged who are desirous of starting their business as they begin to think of a productive life after voluntary disengagements and/or retirement from their paid jobs. Yet another group comprise of those already in business and wishing to grow further.

This blog aims at providing the key information, guide, and tools that will help the various groups mentioned above to be able to start their small/medium scale business and grow into large businesses. To succeed we must take responsibility to make things better. The words of Steve Maraboli should be a persistent reminder in our psyches:

“The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them.”

For more, visit our recent posts and archives.

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Central Bank of Nigeria

Bank of Industry – Short, Medium and Long-term Financing


Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation


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Business Power Tools

Business Power Tools provides businessmen and consultants with various products that ‘…infuse higher consciousness into business and practices..‘ thereby ‘…transforming how entrepreneurs think and act as they build and run their companies..‘ They develop and provide software templates that help make it efficient for you to deliver your products and services.


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Click to learn more about why we recommend the KickStart 2-page feasibility analysis and summary business plan software template